Are your uPVC windows secure? And how to get your windows ready for the winter

As the days start to get shorter and the nights grow longer, it can become an increasingly important time to ensure that your uPVC windows are safe and secure.
Unfortunately, property-related crimes tend to increase as a result of the clocks going back. This is due to would-be intruders taking advantage of the darker nights.
That is why it is crucial to ensure that your windows are as secure as possible in preparation for winter.
Are your uPVC windows secure?
First of all, despite it being such a simple factor in home security, if you forget to lock your windows then they are automatically put at risk, no matter how small the window may be.
The glazing in your windows is a very important part of the overall picture when it comes to security. You will need to regularly check that your glazing is secure. If any part of it is old, cracked or split then it can make it easier to be removed by a potential burglar.
Also, take a look at the manufacturing specifications of the glass, locks and frame. In terms of general domestic security, it is recommended that the minimum specification for the manufacturing of windows should be PAS24-2012. This means that the windows will have a guaranteed security performance rating.
4 ways to help make sure your uPVC windows are secure this winter
1) Double and triple glazing for uPVC windows
Double and triple glazing is something to seriously consider looking into. This is especailly important if you do not have double or triple glazing installed, or there are issues with what you do have fitted.
Double and triple glazing provide fantastic levels of security. They provide two or more barriers between the inside of your home and any burglar looking to break in.
It becomes increasingly less likely that those windows will be targeted given that double and triple glazed windows are extremely difficult to break into. Also, the argon gas used in between each pane essentially acts as a shock absorber.
2) Ensure locks are performing optimally
It may not even be a failure to actively lock your windows, but instead the condition of the locks themselves. As time goes on, your frames and locks can be prone to various issues that can hamper their performance.
Even if the locks on your windows are working the way they should, there are a multitude of options that you can use to enhance the safety of your frames. Pin locks and hinged wedge locks are examples of additions to your windows that can be made to further increase security.
3) Replacement uPVC windows
You should consider replacing your windows, particularly if they are old or you have installed timber frames and the wood has rotted. Keeping on top of the performance of your windows is vital in ensuring that they are as safe as they can be.
Aluminium and uPVC are two great options to consider for replacement windows, with a number of benefits when it comes to beefing up your security.
4) Remove valuables from public view
It is imperative to try and dampen any burglars’ temptation to investigate your home. Keeping valuable possessions out of sight as much as possible is something you can do to keep them away from your windows.
The more value they can see in your home, the more likely they are to test the security and durability of your windows.
Window security at Albany Windows
At Albany, our products are specifically designed and manufactured with security firmly in mind. Both our uPVC and aluminium windows boast some of the highest security standards in the industry to give you a clear peace of mind.
High-performance multi-point locking systems are securely fitted as standard at Albany. Therefore, your home will be safely protected from any potential intruders. Get a quote today or contact us on 01242 511384 and we will help you to secure your windows this winter.